Hey! So Glad You're Here.
I'm Carmen Royale and I'm thrilled to share my site with you!
SecondHub started out as a direct response to social media platforms forcing their users to fork over cash or risk getting their content deleted. What began as a simple backup plan for my own content ended up becoming a passion project. After surviving the purge of adult content from Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook many of us turned to Flickr as the only remaining alternative where we could post ALL of our stuff in one place. But when Flickr announced an ultimatum (Pay or Else!) I started to brainstorm and ask a few questions:
- Who is going to take the initiative and try something fresh, new, and innovative?
- What do Second Life content creators actually need on a social media platform?
- When will one come along that is made by SL content creators for SL content creators?
- Where can I find like-minded people who are willing to help create the space they wanna see?
- and Why not be part of the solution instead of complaining about the problem?
There weren't any easy answers to these questions. So, I went looking far and wide across the internet to find the right platform, the perfect platform for a Second Life content creator. And let's just say. . .my search left me disappointed, jaded, and unimpressed.
Twitter? - full of SL porn, but not at all good for your average content creator.
Facebook? - too much censorship ( and who wants to worry about going to Facebook jail? )
Instagram? - not bad, but too much censorship for those who want to post NSFW content
Flickr? - busy making changes that can only be described as corporate money-grabs
Tumblr? - heavy on censorship, light on functionality
All of them had the same thing in common - not a single one allowed the Second Life content creator the freedom to post all of their content in one place. And that was a problem for me. And so - being the masochistic workaholic that I am - I decided to roll up my sleeves and get to work.
And then . . . SecondHub was born!
So, take a look around, explore, engage, and upload some content.
Here's to the start of a beautiful new beginning.
Carmen Royale
- Founder | CEO of SLflick.r